Kelly L.
ZERO ⭐️: Gianluca from GMFC Cleaning & Facility Services in Belgium, seemed professional when I first met him and communicated by email. He quoted us €695 euro plus €140VAT for our 177 m2 apartment. The GMFC website guarantees their professionalism and 100% security deposit return & stress-free move.
The GMFC crew were over an hour late and didn’t call ahead, offer explanation, or apologize for their lateness. Gianluca was non-plussed by their rudely showing up whenever they wanted and made no apology when we finally reached him. Three people cleaned from roughly 1015a.m.- 4:00 pm and called us at 4:10 pm to say they were done. The results for €840 euro or $907.00 USD were dismal.
The next morning, we met the housing inspector, landlord and cleaner in case something wasn’t clean. It was clear that the cleaning was hastily done and incomplete. The terrace was not swept or mopped, window frames not wiped, the garage was not swept, window frames filthy, cobwebs on the walls, the clothes washer had money and dirt in the trap, the clothes dryer water trap was dirty, under the collector basket full of lint, kitchen mat not moved for sweeping or mopping with trapped crumbs and dirt underneath, dirt alongside the gaps in the cupboards; anywhere you had to bend down to look at was not touched at all, hoping to hide it. The baseboards were filthy, none of calculous/hard watermarks cleaned from the faucets or showers, & hair in the drain. Many cabinets were not wiped out, had papers and garbage inside, liquid marks, and lots of crumbs, plant dirt, Christmas glitter, and white spots were on the floor as though they hadn’t even swept or mopped. Stainless steel appliances and glass surfaces were hastily wiped and streaky and water marked, grease left on the oven door, fridge shelving spotty, and the kitchen cupboard doors still had coffee stains on them. He even promised to remove tape and hooks from the wall which were all left in place in several rooms.
The second day of cleaning wasn't done, but Gianluca emailed that the quote couldn’t be adjusted. He also blocked my phone number which is very unprofessional. I sent him 31 photos and a transfer link to retrieve 8 videos as proof of all the dirt left, asking for a discount which he refused. GMFC website guarantees results while targeting foreigners and expats who are usually helpless in the process.
Wednesday, 6 March 2024 we met for a second inspection. Gianluca of course did not show up for this appointment like he was supposed to. A cleaner finally arrived nearly 40 minutes late with no apology or explanation. She argued for a long time with the landlord about the cleaning, and Gianluca said we should have been charged €1,500.00! He fought with our landlord for a long time on the phone. Later that day, the landlord’s husband (a lawyer) decided to have the Belgian housing inspector return Thursday March 7, 2024, for another assessment since he was also not satisfied with the initial cleaning and lack of revising done to the work. The Belgian housing inspector charged us €350.00 euro to reclean the house, half of what GMFC quoted us, which proves how dirty GMFC left it. We sent the official statement to GMFC and paid them €345.00 euro +VAT.
Gianluca has tried to bribe us with a full refund if we remove this review, but that would be a disservice to the Belgian community and fellow foreigners. This is one of several similar complaints he has received in the last two months. He retaliates by invoking god and Italy and blaming the customer publicly and nastily instead of correcting his work and acting professional. Now I see fake 5⭐️reviews posted. Shame Gianluca! He has been blacklisted at the United States Army Garrison, NATO housing office, Housing and Humans Real Estate, Brussels Community Group Facebook page, and our commune. Avoid GMFC at all costs! This review was only edited 3 times to remove his last name, it’s otherwise 100% accurate.